LDD Flowers and Floristry  


Visual of the course

Course Summary

Code: TL1013Y24  

Starting: Wednesday 23 April 2025 

Location: TACC within OCH  

Duration: 10 sessions over 10 week(s)

Start Time: 12:15 

Cost: £134.00 / Concessions Apply*    

By continuing you confirm that you are aged 19 or over as at 31 August in the current academic year and have agreed to the privacy statement

Course Information Sheet




A discreet supported course for Adults with learning difficulties and disabilities. The course is for everyone and looks at different crafts and activities with flowers - paper flowers, wreath making and floristry.  


Time and duration

Start Date: 23 April 2025
Start Time: 12:15
Day: Wednesday Afternoon
Session Duration: 02:00
Number of Sessions: 10


TACC within OCH  
The Old Courthouse  
Orsett Road
Essex RM17 5DD

Find us here
